Rain Casual Gear

March 6, 2013

Rainy days = messy hair, therefore, a beanie pom pom hat was needed all day yesterday. My feet, of course, stayed cozy and dry with my Hunter boots and my Isis puffer jacket (yes, this jacket is my life saver, so I keep wearing it often) did the job keeping me warm all day.
I don't know about you, but every time it rains in winter I feel like heading to the bookstore for a warm coffee and also for what is new in the fashion/home decor section.

Dias lluviosos = cabello aplastado, por eso una gorra de lana con pon pon es necesaria aveces para dias mojados como el que tuvimos ayer.  Por supuesto mis botas Hunter mantuvieron mis pies secos y calientitos todo el día, así como también my chaqueta burbuja Isis.
Yo no se ustedes, pero yo cada vez que llueve en el invierno solo me dan ganas de ir a la librería por un cafe y por supuesto,  por lo que es nuevo en la sección de moda y decoración.

Knit Dress/Vestido de algodón: Anthropologie. Also worn HERE
Scarf/Bufanda: Zara (love the zebra black and white print) Buy HERE
Jacket/Chaqueta: Isis. Buy HERE
Boots/Botas: Hunter  "Lagoon" via Nordstrom. Buy HERE
Macbook Pro sleeve/Funda para Macbook Pro: Kate Spade. Buy HERE
Wristlett/Bolso pulsera: Isabella Fiore.
Beanie/Gorra de lana: H&M
Ring/Anillo: Forever21
Earrings/Pendientes: Vintage

How to wear Hunter boots
Green Hunter Boots
Zara Scarf


  1. Great outfit!!Love the hunter boots.Would you like follow each other? Let me know. Kisses

    1. Thanks for visiting!! I will check yours out.

  2. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Aww Carelia you look really juicy wearing your Wellingtons, I love the colour and I will post post these pics in my blog in a few days time, the last pics I posted of you got many views.

  3. Oh Heavens, why have I not found your blog before? It's nice to meet you Carelia, and I look forward to reading some of your earlier posts. You had me at rainy days=messy hair. I live in rainy Vancouver, and I have natural curls; so yup, I know all about wild hair days. And your style is ever so cute! Of course, I'm all about dots anyways, and your pattern mixing is superb.

    Sue xo

    1. Thanks Sue for visiting my blog and for the hair...thanks God there are hats, they can really be life savers in messy rainy days.


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