Givenchy Red Chandelier Earrings

October 3, 2012

While I was in Michigan a few weeks ago, besides shopping at vintage and thrift stores, I also visited Nordsrom Rack (We don't have one in NC), and found these amazing red ruby chandelier earrings by Givenchy. The gorgeous pair was marked down from $135 to $25, and since my hair is shorter these days...I knew I could show off this type of earrings better than when I had really long hair. Next thing I knew...they were traveling with me back to NC.
Since then, I've been wanting to wear them really bad, so I decided to dress them down with a day time outfit that I wore yesterday. Sometimes I can be pretty darn matchy-matchy with my outfits, (maybe that's is why I love Viviana Volpicella's style) so I matched the earrings with my red trench coat, sunglasses, red nails/lips and red

Cuando estuve allá por Michigan hace unas semanas, además de visitar tiendas de antiguedad y de segunda, también visité Nordstrom Rack (No hay uno aquí en NC). Pues allí encontré estos aretes largos de Givenchy y con buén precio, de $135 los rebajaron a $25. Ahora que mi cabello esta corto yo sé que los puedo lucir mejor que cuando tenia el cabello super largo. Cuando menos acordé...estos aretes estaban viajando conmigo de regreso to Carolina del Norte.
Desde ese día, yo me los he querido poner, por eso yo decidí darles luz del sol esta semana con un vestuario semi-casual. A veces me da por combinar mucho mis conjuntos, (tales por eso es que admiro al estilo de Viviana Volpicella) y esta vez combiné el color de mis aretes con my chaqueta trench, gafas, pintura de labios/uñas y anillo ;-)

Top/Camisa: H&M (recent)
Trench Coat/Chaqueta para lluvia: Alven Valley (old)
Tweed Skirt/Falda de lana: Benetton (old)
Bag/Cartera: Carlos Falchi (vintage)
Heel Sandals/Sandalias de Tacón: White House/Black Market (old)
Bracelets/Brazaletes: Target (Buy here) and (Only in stores)
Red Ring/Anillo Rojo: Vintage
Deer ears ring/Anillo de orejas de venado: Khols (sales rack)
Sunglasses/Gafas: Vintage
Earrings/Aretes: Nordstrom Rack

Givenchy red chandelier earrings
Striped sweater outfit
flared skirt outfit
Striped black and white sweater outfit
And by the way, I am glad that I kept this flutter tweed skirt. This style is back again, but I must never was out for me. I enjoy to wear it every Fall and winter since 2007.

Y a proposito, me da gusto que nunce me decise de esta faldita de lana acampada. Este estilo esta de moda otra vez. Tengo que confesar...nunca pasó de moda en mi armario, yo la he estado usando en cada otoño e invierno desde el 2007.
Tweed flared skirt
Here an Instagram pic of the earrings (I can't help it, I love them)
Aquí una foto de Instagram de mis aritos (Lo siento, pero yo los adoro)
Givenchy red chandelier earrings
and in my nails: Chanel "Midnight Red"
Y en mis uñas: Chanel "Midnight Red"
Chanel Midnight Red


  1. The earrings are STUNNING!

    1. Thanks Kris, these are my favorites now.

  2. Anonymous2:25 AM

    This is a great outfit, very well cordinated and the earrings the perfect final touch.


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